
Is there a workaround for those that need to use Purchase Orders and Packing Slips?

blindenblinden Member Posts: 8

Hi, I am new to Wave and was absolutely loving it! Then I needed to send a vendor a purchase order and noticed Wave doesn't offer the capability. I've contacted support and they say they have no plans to add purchase order support. I have a business where many vendors require a PO and currently I manually create them, but it's a huge hassle. I also was surprised that I didn't see a way to print a packing slip for products that are invoiced and shipped and am looking for a workaround there too. I love that Wave is integrated with my bank and that credit cards are easy, but PO's and Packing Slips are needed by everyone who sells or ships real products. I don't want to leave Wave but if there's no easy solution, I may be forced too. Please help if you have suggestions. :)

Thank you so much


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    TylerKTylerK Member Posts: 94 admin

    Hey @blinden! As Wave does not offer Purchase Orders it's hard to suggest a workaround that will meet all of your needs. Some folks find the PURCHASES > Bills helps to a certain extent but that wouldn't touch on the label printing that you mentioned nor be as robust as a Purchase Order. Many folks require POs and our Product Team is always looking for ways to make Wave even better.

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    John12345John12345 Member Posts: 1

    Packing slips could be just a removal of price and title. Is there a quick way to work around this?

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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @John12345,

    Whilst Wave doesn't currently offer packing slips, what may work for you is creating an Estimate for the order. You can change the title to Packing Slip, and add the same products as on your invoice, then delete the prices :smile:

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