Exporting Account Transactions to - PDF Feature Not Working

FaridKhanFaridKhan Member Posts: 1

Hello Everyone
I am new here. Started using wave yesterday. Its a great online software but sometimes unexpected problems arise. I entered some expense account transactions yesterday but i am unable to get a PDF Export of those. Does anyone here knows what might be causing the issue? CSV Export is working fine. I am using most recent version Google Chrome. Thank You.


  • ColinDColinD Member Posts: 6

    I have the same issue - ever since the update I cannot export the account transactions report as a PDF

    edited November 1, 2018
  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @FaridKhan @ColinD could you share a little bit more about what you mean? Do you see an error (that is, could we get more information from a screenshot)? Thank you for taking the time to post. We'd be happy to dig into this with you.

  • ColinDColinD Member Posts: 6

    My problem occurs in the Reports area - When I click on 'Reports', then select 'Account Transactions General Ledger' I am then presented with a screen that includes all my 2018 data for all accounts as well as options to filter this information. Also on that screen is a button "Export". If you click on that you are given two options 'CSV' and 'PDF'. If you select CSV it will happily export a report for me - however if I select PDF then nothing happens - absolutely nothing ... no error report, no hourglass....

    This occurs both in Edge and Firefox. It also occurs regardless of whether I filter the data or if I access the report via the Reconciliation menu (Accounting/Reconciliation/View).

    I have added a screenshot of the report with the Export button in the top right corner. For privacy purposes the screenshot does not show the data.

  • TylerKTylerK Member Posts: 94 admin

    Hey @ColinD! Could you try using an Incognito Chrome Browser and let me know if you still face issue? Thanks.

  • ColinDColinD Member Posts: 6

    I have installed Chrome and opened Wave in an incognito window - this made no difference, there was still no response when I clicked on Export / PDF (Export/CSV worked as it has on other browsers). (Sorry for the delay, I thought I had posted this reply last week, but something must have gone amiss.)

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @ColinD. Thanks again for updating us on this specific issue. Although this may not be the best workaround for you (since it does seem like a browser issue), could you please clear your cached data/cookies and see if that allows you to export the account transactions as a PDF? If you notice that this is still happening, could you please send me a DM with your email and business name so I can look into this a bit further for you?

  • ColinDColinD Member Posts: 6

    I have just installed Firefox onto a new computer. Immediately after doing this I signed into my Wave Account and attempted to export to a PDF. Unfortunately there was no response.

  • rgrovesrgroves Member Posts: 1

    Same problem. Nothing happens when I select PDF export for financial statements. When I select CSV I get the file just fine.
    If it's any help, Chrome developer tools is showing a 500 error when that option (PDF) is selected.

    edited February 4, 2019
  • David_KaestnerDavid_Kaestner Member Posts: 1

    I am having the same issue. Nothing happens when I select PDF export for transaction report for 2018 statements. When I select CSV It works.
    I have try to clear catch, incognito; and using a different computer. Still nothing happens.
    @JamieD @TylerK

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭


    Could you kindly try using a different browser? Sometimes we notice that some browser entirely? Like firefox if you haven't already? or Chrome if you're not a chrome user?

    Moreover, sometimes we notice that there may be network issues like firewalls, or antivirus, or general IT issues that may need to be whitelisted in order for Wave to download successfully.

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