
Inactivity Timeout = Automatic Save to Draft

PewitPewit Member Posts: 2

Issue: After a period of inactivity you lose any draft invoices
Solution: Automatic save to draft on inactivity timeout

Like many small business owners it's easy to get distracted from invoicing due to the need to fight another fire or because of a new business opportunity.

So you can find that you have to leave the computer in the middle of creating an invoice.

But when you come back to it, you get the dreaded "Inactivity Timeout" message while your draft invoice is still on the screen, you can't proceed any further and have to restart.

How much better it would be if Wave could save the inactive invoice as a Draft which could be rescued after logging in again.



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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Pewit,

    Thanks taking the time to flesh that out; the scenario you describe makes perfect sense, and I think would be an awesome feature to add to the invoice editing page. How often do you find this happening in your day-to-day or week-to week?

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    PewitPewit Member Posts: 2
    I don’t need to send many invoices but for those that do I’d suggest this is a common problem
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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    We appreciate it, @Pewit thank you!

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