
Coding to Asset Account

NikitaNikita Member Posts: 3

Hello, Im trying to enter a bill for purchasing a piece of equipment.
The PPE asset account isn't showing up in my list of options for coding. Can anyone help?



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    applesapples Member Posts: 10

    Hi @Nikita ! There's a current bug in Wave that prevents you from creating bills for assets. In the interim, you will want to create the asset account in your chart of accounts > go to your transactions page and categorize the purchase entry imported from your bank to that asset category.

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    marc_wavemarc_wave Member Posts: 4


    Same here Any idea when the Bug will be fixed?

    Entering as you advise is OK to get it done but does not allow us to keep best record of Supplier Spends as it sould be a BNill & Coded to an Asset acount.

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    LindsayLindsay Member Posts: 1

    Hello - has there been any update on this bug? I am also trying to allocate a purchase to an Asset account but the account is not showing up as an option. Thanks!

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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Lindsay! This is due to the Property, Plant, and Equipment account section being under a specific asset type, not expense. As a result, you can't assign these accounts/categories to your bill items.

    The workaround available for the time being is to record the asset purchase as a transaction on the Transactions page, rather than a bill or to use an Other Long-Term Asset account. Hope that helps!

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