Change decimal point

AgustaAgusta Member Posts: 2

Hi there,

does anyone know I can drop the two decimals after the dot in invoicing?

We don't use cents in my currency and I can't seem to find the option to leave them out.


  • Dante_BulluckDante_Bulluck Member Posts: 52 ✭✭

    Hi Agusta. What currency are you using? I'm not sure you can drop the decimal places (there's no option in invoice settings) but sharing more info could be useful if they happen to see this.

  • AgustaAgusta Member Posts: 2

    Hi Dante,

    thank you for the reply.

    I use ISK (Icelandic Krona) and when I choose to invoice for an amount plus taxes (24%) it calculates the amount down to the last two digits after the point.

    edited February 2, 2018
  • SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @Agusta this unfortunately isn't something you can change in Wave right now but I've passed along this info regarding your currency. I've also removed the link as we don't recommend posting personal information because this is a public forum :)

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