
Invoice all customers at once

sideflysidefly Member Posts: 10

Hello, I need to assess a membership fee to everyone at once. So I need to the ability to take a Product I have created (the fee) and create invoices for all of my customers at the same time. Please tell me this is possible and I don't have to individually create an invoice for each customer??



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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @sidefly. As of right now, this is not something that's possible in Wave (adding a line item to multiple invoices and sending them all out in Bulk) -- you will need to issue invoices manually to these clients in order for them to pay for the Membership Fee separately in Wave. This could be something that's implement in the future, but as of right now we don't have any ETA/or immediate plans of when this would be enabled.

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