Category shown on transaction view when splitting seems random

I have been splitting a lot more transactions lately and I have noticed some of them insert the secondary category into the transaction view whereas others show the primary category; surely it should always show the first category selected as this is more than likely the most prominent one?
For example if I split the transaction into: Computer Software AND Bank Service Charges, it may show something like "Bank Service Charges +1" - not really that helpful when looking at the transaction listing.
Any response here?
@cyphix333 I've done a little bit of investigation and have found that when splitting the transaction, the category that is listed will be based on the alphabetical order of the categories within the split. I acknowledge that this is not the most ideal. I'd love to hear how this type of behaviour effects your usability and experience using Wave if you are open to sharing.
Interesting - thanks for the response.
I guess it's not a massive deal, but I just guess it would be useful if you're glancing through your transactions that it showed the most relevant category for each one - seeing something like "bank fees" doesn't really represent the transaction very well lol
May also be helpful for accountants going through your transactions, but then again, they may use other ways to find that information or look at it in more detail anyway to see both categories.
I imagine sorting the data so it shows the most prominent category first would be a more "expensive" database query so I can see only doing it for a good reason.