
Cannot see receipt from bank transaction

PolsteadPolstead Member Posts: 11

On the old interface I could drill into a bank transaction and see the linked receipt but can no longer do this now. The receipts functionality is severely limited without this option and makes auditing a nightmare at the moment. Any idea when this functionality will be available in the new Wave?



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    PolsteadPolstead Member Posts: 11

    It seems that the issue is with merged transactions (receipts and payment transactions) before the new Wave version. The system is not recognising historical merged transactions and displaying the option to see source detail.

    With the new version I have entered a receipt and merged it with a downloaded payment transaction and the 'View source transactions' option appears and I can get to the linked receipt. So the issue only appears to be with historical merged transactions.

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    TARTAR Member Posts: 6

    This issue is literally making it impossible for me to clean up my books :s

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    RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭

    Hi @TAR and @Polstead

    Thanks for flagging this. Our team took a look and the link to the receipt was not displaying. They have fixed this issue and you can now see the link to the image as seen in the image below. For existing merged transactions, the team is looking at how we can keep that connection and make improvements to bring more visibility to those merged transaction sources. Thanks for the feedback!

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    PolsteadPolstead Member Posts: 11

    Hi @Rahim, that is great news! Will check it out...

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    PolsteadPolstead Member Posts: 11

    @Rahim The 'View receipt' link appears but clicking on it does nothing (hovering over it shows 'javascript:void(0)').

    edited November 20, 2018
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