Report transactions with categories

ybahatybahat Member Posts: 4

I have a very simple need.
I would like to be able to export the transactions screen.
More specifically, I need to be able to have a CSV with all the transactions, including the category.

Right now I can make a report for each account, but without the transaction descriptions, or I can have a report for all the transactions, but without the category.

This is much needed.
Thank you


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @ybahat While the transactions page is not exportable (because it is not a report), you can export your information through a data export (found through the settings tab). Once you have completed this, within the file that is sent to your email, you will find a document called "Accounting". This will include the in depth detailed account of your transactions that you are looking for.

  • ybahatybahat Member Posts: 4

    Unfortunately, that's not exactly true.

    The closest thing I have is the "detailed general ledger" file.
    In it, for each "category", I can see all the transactions under the category.

    This means that in order to get the following table:
    Date, Description, Category, Credit, Debit

    I have to do it manually, copying the transactions for each category, and filling the category column manually.

    Also - it seems you have a bug, and the details for the Credit and Debit columns are switched

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @ybahat. If you could please send us a screenshot of what you are experiencing in terms of the transaction details between the credit and debit columns showing incorrectly, that would be extremely helpful. I'm sure you have, but I just thought I would ask regardless - have you made sure that your transactions have been categorized correctly so that they are showing as 'withdrawal' or 'deposit' based on the nature of the transaction?

  • ybahatybahat Member Posts: 4

    In the regular system (meaning, the Transactions page or even the Reports) everything is fine.

    However, when I do an export (through the settings page, like you suggested), all the things coming out of my pocket are shown as Credit, and all the things coming in are in the Debit column.

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding the nature of the columns?

  • busymumsybusymumsy Member Posts: 4

    Just to add to this a similar query, I would like to print, for my tax records, a report or a list of all transactions, all income and all expenses, in one report, not a page for each transaction list. And I'd love to show the detail notes I input. Any possibility? I've tried exporting some options to Excel, but nothing yet matches my need, that I have found.

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @busymumsy!

    For now, the closest thing to that is what you've already discovered (with the data export tool), but I respect that including transaction notes is something that you'd really like to see. I'm happy to pass along that feedback!

    As for the columns @ybahat, what type of account did those transactions come from? This guide to debits and credits may explain why they're appearing as such, but let us know if it doesn't!

  • richard_murphyrichard_murphy Member Posts: 1

    I also need this report, it seems like a HUGE oversight that this is not a common report. The transactions view under Accounting is the view I need, why is it not available as a report or export?

  • madhurimadhuri Member Posts: 16

    yes , being able to export the transactions screen will be of great help. or otherwise the "accounting " data from setting>> data export could include the remarks or transaction notes . this will help us find all the information of a sale at one shot

  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    @richard_murphy @madhuri thank you for joining in and offering your feedback! I will include your sentiments when bringing this up to the team as a suggestion.

    @madhuri the file you receive from the Settings>Data Export function should include your transaction notes. If you are not seeing those notes, feel free to send me a private message with the file you received so that I can further troubleshoot!

  • vamshikothavamshikotha Member Posts: 1

    I agree. Seems like a wasted effort to categorize each expense when you can't export the categories. Would be extremely useful to be able to export all the transactions (like in a statement) with the categories in a separate column. I can;t imagine this would be very difficult. Need of the hour!

  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    HI @vamshikotha, categorizing helps organize your reports, which can be organized by category. In any case, I will also bring your voice into the conversation with the team!

  • PTackettPTackett Member Posts: 1

    This is a massive oversight, and such a huge one that I'm likely going to find another option such as Mint, which I used before. The entire reason I was using Wave, which I liked thus far, was so that I could categorize my expenses and easily have a report. Otherwise, as noted in previous comments, what's the point of spending the entire year categorizing? I hope this is addressed soon as we're all doing taxes.

  • nlevitinnlevitin Member Posts: 3

    @Erik said:
    @richard_murphy @madhuri thank you for joining in and offering your feedback! I will include your sentiments when bringing this up to the team as a suggestion.

    @madhuri the file you receive from the Settings>Data Export function should include your transaction notes** If you are not seeing those notes, feel free to send me a private message with the file you received so that I can further troubleshoot!

    I too cannot find notes in any export using Settings>DataExport.

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @nlevitin thanks for mentioning that! The reason you're not seeing this is because your Wave account is currently still the original version, and hasn't been migrated to the new version which includes the notes in your data export. We're down to the final 7% (give or take) of accounts on the classic version of Wave, and the goal is to have everyone moved over in the next 2-4 weeks. Thanks for hanging in there while this is finishing up!

  • nlevitinnlevitin Member Posts: 3

    Wonderful news! Many thanks!

  • ArthurMakArthurMak Member Posts: 4

    Using the bulk exporting method, found the Customer, vendor and their invoice /bill number is not showing in the account excel.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ArthurMak . Which file exactly are you looking at, Bill Items? Also, where do you enter in the bill number in your bill.

  • JennycJennyc Member Posts: 13

    This discussion was a muddle between notes and categories whcih are different.

    Being in the last 1% that Wave could not migrate, wave have provided NO WAY FOR ME TO EXPORT MY DATA WITH CATEGORIES

    It is so depressing! 20y of data that took years to organize is pretty much bricked.

    I have downloads, but the information is split between different files (Journal_entries.csv has it all, but not in a flattened (row/column) format - 2 rows per transactin with a blank row between.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Jennyc

    I understand how frustrating it may be and I do apologize for this massive change we had to bring to your accounts. Wave typically recommends starting your year off anew. If you've already reconciled your previous accounts and exported those transactions and paid your taxes on those previous fiscal years, there isn't a need to import that transactional data into Wave. I understand that your request is about the custom chart of accounts (CoA) you created and how there isn't currently a way to import your previously created CoA into the new platform. We understand that this is a popular request from our users. Since we've recently undertook the arduous task of trying to migrate all of our users to our new platform, we can now focus on improving our accounting features on an updated backend which will allow us to rollout newer features moving forward. Thanks for your contribution to our community and if you have any other questions about your Wave account please don't hesitate to ask.

  • JennycJennyc Member Posts: 13
    No my question isn’t about migrating the whole CoA , I Hand typed that all in. It is that the existing categories ON THE TRANSACTIONS can’t be imported.

    You are very wrong that I don’t need transactions. My accountant does not agree with you on this. I ABSOLUTELY need transactions. That is what I used WAVE for. I reference transactions and reports by category regularly. ESP for year to year comparisons, but also to reference transactions

    Bottom line; you have provided me with NO WAY to migrate my transactions because no method imports the transaction category, and the Wave Connect app does not seem to handle your export files. I followed the instructions and still just have export files and an empty WAVE account.

    All I need is an import process that imports
    notes (description),
    category (What CoA category the transaction belongs to)
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @Jennyc

    As you may have already guessed by now this type of upload is not possible with any of our transactions uploaders. Once again I do sincerely apologize about this as I understand this is going to create a lot of work for you. At this time I am unsure of what advice to offer in order to upload your accounts and descriptions/notes as this will need to be done manually :disappointed:

    Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions or comments you wish to share.

  • jdeanjdean Member Posts: 4

    This is indeed a major oversight. I spent the whole year categorizing my transactions, only to find out at tax time that there is no way to get a download of my transactions with categories. I'm dumbfounded that this is not possible. If someone has found a way, please post.

    EDIT: I did find a way to get Categories in a spreadsheet download. Go to Settings > Data Export > Export all Transactions for Excel. In the accounting.csv file you will find a column titled "Other Accounts for this Transaction". This is the Category.

    edited February 20, 2021
  • princesspanic18princesspanic18 Member Posts: 2

    Got as far as downloading this transaction report, but it's a mess. No clear way to categorize by acct/category/transactions.
    This type of reporting would be really helpful for me - is there currently a way to categorize by category/acct/date/-/+? Will there be a solution to the reporting limitations Wave has? Anything on the pipeline to give me hope?
    Being able to sort and visualize my financial data like this is the reason I wanted to use Wave, but I've been underwhelmed by the product and need something that will make accounting easier for my neurodiverse brain (pls make it easier for me to manage my personal and business finances!) ✌🏽

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