
[My Ideas] How To : Treat Withholding Tax 'witheld' by Supplier.

OlufmOlufm Member Posts: 2

Precondition: 1. Invoice was sent via Wave. 2. Supplier deducted and withheld WHT at source. 3. WHT Receivables account is on Chart of Accounts.

Steps to follow:
1. Tap Sales and then Invoice.
2. Click on particular invoice sent to Supplier and tap 'Receive Payment'
3. Input the WHT value, Bank Account payment was made by Supplier. Don't send the receipt!
4. Confirm 3, then tap Journals, then Add Transactions.
5. Debit WHT Receivables and Credit Bank Account with value used in 3.

Expected Result: 3 will create a Dr in Bank Account and Cr in Customers Account. 5 will create a Dr in WHT Receivables and Cr in Bank Account.

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