Frequency of sync with bank account

GJRautenbach1GJRautenbach1 Member Posts: 1

Hi. I recently signed up with Wave and my experience so far has been great. However, I would like to limit the frequency of sync with my bank account. It seems to be syncing continuously as I regularly receive login notification mails from my bank. This causes confusion as I'm uncertain whether it is Wave logging in or someone else.

Is there a way to set the frequency of syncing with my account? I'd actually prefer to only initiate the sync manually.


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @GJRautenbach1! Thank you for pointing that out, I can definitely see how that would be frustrating. Bank connections are automatic at the moment, but you could manually import by turning the connection on and off at regular intervals (once every day or few days, or longer stretches even) through Banking > Bank Connections. Because the actual notifications are being sent out by your Bank regarding a third-party connection, it may be worth asking them if they can flag Wave/Yodlee (our bank data aggregator) synchs as normal and not needing an alert message?

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