Transfer Owner

BryceBryce Member Posts: 3

Just curious as I have not been able to find any info about this one. I am an accountant and if I wanted to set up some of my clients on to Wave, and then transfer the ownership to them once all set up, is that possible? I would then remain only as a collaborator.


  • WexsoftWexsoft Member Posts: 1

    Hi Bryce, I have a similar query. I set up a Wave Account under 1 email address. I would now like to switch "ownership" of the Wave Account to another email address, although I cannot add that second email address to the Wave Account because it already has it's own Wave Account (even though it's account is empty). I wonder if I can close the Wave Account that is set up under the second email address, and then add that email address to the first Wave Account, and then make it the primary?

  • BrianBrian Member Posts: 6 admin

    Bryce - totally.

    You'll have to first verify your email address, which will let you add additional email addresses. Add your client, have them verify their email, then mark their email address as 'primary'. They can then reset the password and remove your address. It isn't elegant, but it works.

    Wexsoft - emails are unique identifiers in the system - you need to log into the empty account, delete it, then use that email on the account you're trying to own. You can't have an email on >1 account.

  • BryceBryce Member Posts: 3

    Thanks Brian, I think what i was thinking was adding a business under my profile, if I follow your instructions above, I will lose access to my own accounts. I think I understand how it has to work, will have to use an email address that is not attached to my own set of accounts.

  • MichLMichL Member Posts: 8

    Hi guys,
    I have the same issue: I have to trf ownership of a set of accounts to the business, but I need to keep hold of my own accounts without transferring that ownership too.
    From what I understand, I need to:
    1. change my email that is associated with my own account (or my email associated with my client's account)
    2. verify the emails
    3. delete the email associated with my own accounts from my client's setup
    3. Add the Client to his set of accounts and let him verify
    4. follow steps above (set as primary email, remove me, change password)
    5. reinvite me as a collaborator

    Can you please confirm?


  • BrianBrian Member Posts: 6 admin

    "accounts" is a tricky word - are you trying to transfer the user account (can have many businesses), a business ( can have many bank accounts / chart of accounts ), or an account (ie. savings or checking)

    Splitting a business away from a user account isn't something you can do at this time. Transferring the whole thing (user+all businesses) is what I described above.

  • MichLMichL Member Posts: 8

    Thanks Brian, I meant a Business. So if I have the same issue in that I am the accountant that set up the business for my client, and I also run my own set of business accounts on the system. Do I understand you correctly that I can't transfer my client's business to him without him having access to my business account too?

  • MichLMichL Member Posts: 8

    Just to add - Is there any way I can split the one business away with its own owner without it having access to anything else, and me becoming a contributor on that account?

  • BryceBryce Member Posts: 3

    Hi MichL. What you have tried is exactly what I was trying to do. After the heads up from Brian was that you should set up the business that is your clients (assuming that you are a bookkeeper or Accountant) with an email address that is not yours and then change that email address. I am now making sure for new clients that I dont add a new business under my main account (email address) and use a secondary email address. Hope this makes sense.

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