Checkouts - not for everyone?

KEphotoKEphoto Member Posts: 3

I was hoping to create some gift certificate type of items anyone can purchase without creating an invoice and found "Checkouts".

The problem is - this option doesn't exist on my account. The instructions say "To create your first checkout, click on Sales > Checkouts, and then click the New Checkout button." OK - that would be fantastic - if this option only existed



  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @KEphoto. As of right now, the Checkouts feature is only offered to our users in North America and on our latest updated software. With that being said, if you are in NA, you will be able to use this feature soon as our number one priority right now is to migrate all of our users over as soon as possible (hoping by the beginning of 2019).

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