
Duplicated income

CoachSteveCoachSteve Member Posts: 2

Hi, I'm new to Wave - loving it.

However, I'm getting duplicate income entries. I am connected to my bank account and it seems that might be part of the issue? When I get paid and tell wave an invoice is paid, that shows up in accounting but then the credit into my bank account shows up too. I'm not sure how to correct this?

I'm guessing I'm missing something obvious - any wise experienced users out there?


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @CoachSteve. Right now, you are experiencing a known issue that occurs when you accept an invoice payment. Two transactions will be created; 1) for the actual invoice itself (when you mark it as paid in Wave, it will automatically create a transaction for this income) and 2) for the deposit that happens once you receive the funds in your bank. With that being said, you should be able to either merge these two transactions together, or you will need to simply delete the deposit transaction that comes from your bank.

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    CoachSteveCoachSteve Member Posts: 2

    Thanks @JamieD - just found the merge button and tried it. All sorted. :)

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