How to categorise a bill under COGS

KenbongKenbong Member Posts: 1

Hi there!

I run a travel agency and I am facing some difficulties as below:

Assuming I sold a tour package worth $1000 to a customer in January, I issue an invoice to the customer and the customer pays in full

My tour operator (let's call him ABC operator) sends me a bill of $800, which I would like to record under Purchases > Bills

However, when I create a bill with ABC operator, I am unable to classify the Expense category under COGS (I created a new account under COGS called 'Operator Expenses')

And after I create the bill, I went under Reports > Purchases by Vendor and couldn't see any records of the bill I created earlier

My objective is to know how much my customer paid me and what is my balance payable to my vendors according to their respective bill due dates

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



  • James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hey @Kenbong , I just tried recreating this in my own Wave account, and I was able to add a COGS account to the bill that I created. Can you please post a screenshot from your Chart of Accounts and the bill dropdown where the account isn't appearing?

    Additionally, with the Expenses by Vendor report, I'd recommend changing the date range of the report to line up with the date on the bill itself, rather than when the bill was paid, this should show the bill. If not, some screenshots of the report would also be super helpful!

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