Citibank Business Credit Card just stopped working

JoeWJoeW Member Posts: 1

For the past 4 days my cititbank credit card link has stopped working. I can login manually and its all working great from that point of view but Wave has just stopped working for some reason and I did no changes to my password or connection. Is there an issue? Why did this work and then stop working? Just seeing if anyone else is having this issue.


  • FunkyTravelerFunkyTraveler Member Posts: 1

    Have the same issue. New to Wave...sometimes connection works and then it stops. This is the first time I have been unable to reconnect.

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @saj74914, @JoeW, and @FunkyTraveler, I'm sorry about the frustration here, and thanks for reporting this issue! Our banking data provider confirmed that they are having an issue with all Citibank connections at the moment, with an ETA for resolution on November 27th. Let us know if you aren't seeing an improvement by then and we can follow up!

    edited November 23, 2018
  • mobitinkermobitinker Member Posts: 1

    Glad the issue will be fixed on 11/27. Suggestion: It would have saved me significant time to have gotten an email about the problem. I didn't find this thread until trying lots of things.

  • DimitriyDimitriy Member Posts: 5

    Again not working as of right now (stopped for the past 6 days)

  • LinfamyLinfamy Member Posts: 3

    I just tried to create an initial connection to Citibank and it also does not work for me.

    Error: There was a problem processing your request. Your account could not be connected at this time.

  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @Dimitriy @Linfamy Apologies for this. It seems the connection is down. Our data aggregator will be working on a fix which might require a bit of a wait, depending on the complexity of the issue. In the meantime, manually uploading your bank statements and using Wave Connect are reliable options for importing your transactions!

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