Request for Data extract

KhairilKhairil Member Posts: 2

Hi, I have requested for data extract several time yesterday and till today i have yet to receive the link to download it in my email. Just wondering if i have missed out any settings or any requirement to get the data extract.

Thank you in advance for the help.


  • SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @Khairil please check your spam/junk folder to see if the email with the link was accidentally filtered there. If it's not in spam, you may want to check that your email address is correctly entered into Wave. Click your business name in the top left corner > Manage Your Profile > Emails & Connected Accounts and verify that your primary email address is entered correctly - typos happen more often than you might think!

  • KhairilKhairil Member Posts: 2

    Hi Sophia,

    Thank you for your reply. I have checked my page and couldnt find the page. However, i have looked into the and saw that my email is being stated correctly as below:-
    "Wave will never share or sell individual personal information or personally identifiable details. These emails will be sent to your default Wave email address:"

    I am logging into my account using my google id.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Khairil, are you still having that issue? I'd recommend trying again to see if it'll work.

    To answer your question, however, you're right, that's why you aren't seeing that link, but your account only has one email attached to it, so you should be fine on that end.

    Note that I'd recommend removing your e-mail address from your last post. This page is public and you wouldn't want just anyone to have access to your personal email.

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