Customize invoice template

hmh_mike1424hmh_mike1424 Member Posts: 5

Hi All, I use wave and like it a lot, however there are some important functions that i find missing , the main one is to customize a template with recurring items like travel fees / materials / parking fees etc that I have almost in every invoice and I need to manually enter again and again . If someone has a solution for that I would be grateful , thanks in advance , M


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Great suggestions @hmh_mike1424 :)! We're working on improving invoice customization, so even though feature requests are always appreciated, any invoice suggestions are extra appreciated at the moment.

  • hmh_mike1424hmh_mike1424 Member Posts: 5
    Dear Samd , thanks for your answer .I would be happy to raise few more suggestions that could be of great help. Feel free to let me know how can I contact you directly. As some are easier to discuss by phone. Thanks , M
  • Brent_OntraxBrent_Ontrax Member Posts: 15

    Have you tried just duplicating a previous Invoice? and then just making the required changes & additions.

  • hmh_mike1424hmh_mike1424 Member Posts: 5
    Thanks Brent , yes I have , however this is just a partial solutions not a good one as it also duplicates the customer data , and also you need to go and change all the other add ones , so basically it's not a big time saver ...
  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @hmh_mike1424 We definitely are aware that this type of functionality does not currently exist. @Brent_Ontrax has definitely outlined the best current workaround, which I understand is not ideal, however, at this point will likely be the best way to complete the action until a better solution has been created by our Product Team. We definitely value your feedback and this sort of communication and feedback is useful for us when escalating feature requests, so thank you both for your insight :)

  • hmh_mike1424hmh_mike1424 Member Posts: 5
    Thanks , its great to see that it's been escalated, keep on the wonderful work and looking forward to you're updates , best
  • XenteXente Member Posts: 1

    Hey guys, still in line with customization, how can I change everything in the invoice template that says INVOICE to say BILL instead. Coz our company doesn't issue out invoices, but it issues BILLS. So we are not allowed to issue any document that has invoice number, invoice date etc, but we are supposed to issue out a bill with Bill no#, Bill date etc. Does anyone know how to do this? Coz i love Wave!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Xente , I believe this was addressed with you today over Twitter. If you still have any lingering questions, let us know!

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