Finding Duplicates

PaulHHPaulHH Member Posts: 1

How does Wave flag duplicates?


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @PaulHH, depending on the situation the answer for this is not always super well.

    If you're dealing with a situation in which a payment was recorded for an invoice, and then pulled in by a bank connection, AND the payment was made via Payments by Wave then Wave should account for these automatically. This article should go over the process: Bookkeeping Changes to Payments by Wave

    In short, invoice payments are categorized to the "Payments by Wave" account temporarily while the payment processes. Once your bank account receives the actual deposit and the record is imported in Wave, a transfer is created from the "Payments by Wave" category to your bank account category.

    You can however create this transfer manually.

    1. Navigate to Accounting>Transactions

    2. Locate the bank deposit

    3. For Account, select your bank account

    4. For Category, select "Transfer from Bank, Loan, or Credit Card"

    5. For the transfer origin, select "Payments by Wave"

    This will correctly tell Wave that the deposit has landed in your bank account as a "Transfer" from Payments by Wave, and is not simply a second payment.

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