
Multi-line 'split' receipts

sageacysageacy Member Posts: 2

Many of my receipts might have multiple categories within a single receipt. I was surprised that I can't create multiple 'split' categories while editing a receipt. The only way I could seem to do that is to select a single category then go edit the transaction splitting it for the multiple categories. Would be nice if it could be done directly while editing the receipt.

edited November 22, 2018 in Accounting Technical Support


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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    @sageacy I agree this would be a huge timesaver, and more intuitive when uploading receipts. I'm going to pass this along as a feature request to our Product Team! Hopefully it is something we could implement to ease the receipt uploading and categorization process.

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    AugAug Member Posts: 1

    I second this suggestion. The large majority of my receipts are also multi-category. It makes it especially confusing to track when some categories are taxed and some are not, making the effective tax rate misleading. I'd love to see receipt splitting (including sales tax data) in the near future. Thanks!

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