Suggested Improvements for Invoicing Section

kingJnzkingJnz Member Posts: 1

Hi there
I have been using wave for the past month and I appreciate the free service :)
There are a few things I have picked up already though - easy ideas to make things better for all users.
1) The focus on invoicing is on the invoice date. Most businesses are more concerned about the due date, now the invoice date. We all know what day of the month we do our invoicing, or thereabouts. What all small business is more worried about is the due date. You display the due date in terms of days due, or overdue, which is confusing - one has to keep referencing the calendar. Why not show the actual due date? And allow us to sort by due date.
Ideally we would be able to sort by due dates - in a chosen range and see how much is coming in. At present I need to use a calculator to do this, which is hardly ideal on an accounting App
2) Payments. We should be able to select multiple invoices and pay them all at once. At present you have to manually select one at a time and then click on 3 or 4 more buttons to pay it. Very tedious. We should be able to select multiple invoices at once when doing a manual back rec and just wipe them all off the list with one easy click, or two.
That is my feedback thus far
Cheers team.

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