Refunds issued for bills
Hi, I record all my invoice from the supplier I use in Bills. But I often end up receiving refunds from them for returned goods. I create a new transaction ("Add Income") and categorize it under "Refund received for a bill in wave" and select the correct bill the credit is associated with. When I go back to the original bill the refund was issued against (before the whole bill has been paid off) , it has the original Total, then Total Paid, which is the amount of the refund in negative value and then the Amount due. But in this case the amount due is actually the original due payment PLUS the refund. Is this some sort of error on Wave?
Hi @Babs, I see that you have indicated a refund, but not any original payments for the bill. The amount due on a bill takes both payment and refund histories into account. In your attached example, Wave thinks that you received money back on this bill, but that you never paid this bill in the first place.
To resolve this, you would have to make sure that all of your past payments for this bill are recorded. Please refer to my screenshot below:
By the end of this, you will see that the bill will still have an amount of £214.06 due. If you are not liable for paying this off because it was a refund, you can zero this out by adding a new line item to the bill. Name this bill item something like "Refund", assign it the same expense category as your other item, and assign it a value of £-$214.06.
This will tell Wave to subtract this amount from your amount due.