How long should an initial import take?
Hi there - I am Renee, based in Cape Town South Africa. Just started using Wave and so far it seems to offer everything I need for my one-woman business. I've hunted in the Help articles, and on the forum, and haven't been able to find an answer to this. I have successfully connected my bank accounts, and they are set to import prior transaction "up to 91 days" (at least that is what I understood I was doing). But I have no idea how long that initial dump should take. I am not expected it to happen instantly! Just want to know how long I should wait - hours or days? (I know that is dependent on local conditions... but just a ballpark figure please). I connected about two hours ago and so far no transactions have been imported. At what point do I start to think something has gone wrong?
UPDATED: I logged out, logged in and refreshed my connection and all the transactions were there! Awesome.