Export data (for excel) not arriving

patpat Member Posts: 5

Hi, I have tried to export my data for excel and I saw notice, that this has been registered and I will receive email with link shortly, but email never arrived. Tried about 5 times without success. All other email from Wave are arriving OK. Even "export receipt" arrived OK, but no data...
Any help? Thanks,


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @pat.

    We've had a few issues with the data export function in the last few weeks but they should all be fixed by now. Can you try again and let us know?

    Note that if you have multiple email addresses, the link will always be sent to whichever one is marked as the primary address for the account.

  • patpat Member Posts: 5

    @Alexia I am confirming, that export works. Both - data (Export for excel) and receipts...

  • chemagomachemagoma Member Posts: 2

    Hi, I have the same problems since Oct 17, I already sent a los of emails with no response. I still have the problem. Nobody answers with a real solution.

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