Bank Connection won't update

TwistedPrezTwistedPrez Member Posts: 7

After the initial set-up and download of transactions, I no longer can secure a connection to update transactions. I keep getting a message that
"Your bank needs you to review new Terms and Conditions. Log in to your online banking to review the terms. Try connecting to Wave again after you've accepted them." I have reviewed the new Terms, accepted them, and attempted several times to update but still get the same message. What to do?


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @TwistedPrez,

    Would you be able to delete that connection from the Bank Connections page, and then attempt connecting again? I'm seeing that the same error is still showing on our side as well, so this may allow you a fresh start with reconnecting. Please let me know how it goes!

  • TwistedPrezTwistedPrez Member Posts: 7

    That seemed to work...we'll see if it works later by automatic update...will let you know...Thnx!

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