Manual CSV bank statement importing no longer working

icecorpicecorp Member Posts: 17


Is there an issues at the moment with CSV importing of bank statements? We tried linking our ASB Bank (in NZ) and it created duplicates all over the place and almost forced us to jump ship, but I managed to find and remove them all and remove the bank link. Now, we're unable to upload CSV bank statements which had been working alright the last few months.

Can you please check and advise? I've tried pre-formatted and manually formatted CSV files with basic names (a.csv) and none work.

Please let us know as this is holding us up sending out statements that were due 3 days ago.



  • icecorpicecorp Member Posts: 17

    Is anyone else having this issue? It can't be just us... we've even tried importing statements that have worked previously and still get a file format error.


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @icecorp,

    I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties with the CSV! I'm sending you a private email so you can send me the CSV in question, and I can take a look at it. Looking forward to sorting this out!

  • Northern_2018Northern_2018 Member Posts: 8

    I am in NZ to and have had this problem since last month end. I have been working with Tech People but have tried everything he has asked still unable to upload. My error code:

    Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type.

    I have been uploading the same way for months this is the first time I have had this much problems could it be the new upgrade? I have tried explorer, Firefox (my normal Browser) was asked to try Chrome. I have sent file to Tech people and he can upload with no problems, has anyone any ideas as month end approaching.

  • Northern_2018Northern_2018 Member Posts: 8

    I am in NZ to and have had this problem since last month end. I have been working with Tech People but have tried everything he has asked still unable to upload. My error code:

    Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type.

    I have been uploading the same way for months this is the first time I have had this much problems could it be the new upgrade? I have tried explorer, Firefox (my normal Browser) was asked to try Chrome. I have sent file to Tech people and he can upload with no problems, has anyone any ideas as month end approaching.

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Northern_2018 thanks for letting us know! It's possible that your antivirus software is blocking the upload, so I recommend playing around with your antivirus settings. If you're still having issues, let us know and we can check the CSV file directly. Happy new years!

  • Northern_2018Northern_2018 Member Posts: 8

    Hi Ryan
    I have never had this problem before and upload my clients every month end. I have had the file checked and a support person uploaded fine I just cant upload in either Internet Exployer/Firefox(my normal browser) and I was asked to download Chrome this I did and still I cant upload. All my accounts have recently been uploaded to the new Wave but I cant see this being the problem as I have been working in the New Wave in some clients for the last couple of months. I really need to get this sorted as to enter manual takes so long.

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Northern_2018, since we have this same conversation going in another thread, let's keep it all in one place so we keep all the information available in a one-stop-shop. I've also going to send you an email directly so we can check this out!

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for letting me know @Northern_2018! Check your inbox for my email, and we'll see what else we can dig into. I'm looking forward to posting what we learn about this in this thread!

  • MelyCBMelyCB Member Posts: 1

    I have been working on my end of year accounts and have been able to download csv from paypal with no problem and then all of a sudden it has stopped and I get the message (Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming that the file type is an accepted file type.) In desperate need to get sorted as soon as possible to complete accounts

  • mostlydevmostlydev Member Posts: 5

    I am having this issue as well. I uploaded several accounts worth of PayPal CSV exports. I wrote a tool to convert them into Wave-compatible columns. All my accounts worked, except my USD CSV. All seemed to go well in the web ui, but then I get no transactions in the UI.

    When I attempted to re-upload, it warned me about duplicates, but still nothing showed.

    I then deleted the account, made a new one, and re-attempted the upload (after having removed some accented letters in the Description column), and still there's nothing in the account.

    What's going on? Can someone please have a look?

    Here's my little CSV splitter/converter that worked for a few accounts:

    And I've already submitted a support request days ago.

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey everyone! The issue I've been investigating with @icecorp and @Northern_2018 is specific to the following:

    If you're located in New Zealand (or have a VPN that places your IP in NZ), the CSV upload returns a generic error when you try to submit the file. We're currently investigating potential issues with our content delivery network vendor, and our suspicion is that a bunch of IPs are being erroneously blocked (this can happen when one IP address gets reported as taking part in malicious activity, but a wider range of IPs are included in this block). I'll update in this thread once we have a better sense of why this is happening, and what the resolution is.

    As for @mostlydev I'm the one who replied to your ticket, and we were able to confirm this was all sorted out yesterday; for those who are interested, it was the sheer number of lines in the PayPal CSV which was overwhelming the uploader. Once it was broken down from 2300 lines, it uploaded properly.

  • mostlydevmostlydev Member Posts: 5

    Right. I've amended my scripts to break import files into groups of 100 transactions. That seems to have worked -- along with hanging at the next page after submission, letting the status alert update itself as appropriate. In my experience, going on to do other things while the import takes place reduces its chance of success. Given what I know about code, I'm completely willing to admit that this is just superstition.

    edited January 16, 2019
  • smuemdsmuemd Member Posts: 3

    @Ryan_W said:
    If you're located in New Zealand (or have a VPN that places your IP in NZ), the CSV upload returns a generic error when you try to submit the file.

    I can confirm this for Germany too. I get a '"The file you provided doesn't match any format we support" error here.

    However when pointing my VPN client to a US location the same csv file uploads swimmingly.

    Looks like a very ugly bug to me

  • ryanwilsonperkinryanwilsonperkin Member Posts: 18 admin

    @smuemd thanks for the additional info. While I'm sure this is frustrating for you, the information that it's also affecting Germany will be a big help to our development team in understanding the problem.

    If I could trouble you for a bit more information, would you mind uploading a screenshot of this error? I'd like to pin down whether it's an issue still with our content delivery network, or with our own servers.


  • smuemdsmuemd Member Posts: 3

    @ryanwilsonperkin said:
    If I could trouble you for a bit more information, would you mind uploading a screenshot of this error? I'd like to pin down whether it's an issue still with our content delivery network, or with our own servers.

    In fact I will only be able to reproduce this on monday when in the office. csv upload worked without VPN at home (using a different internet provider). Looks to me like this may well be indicative of a bug (cache invalidation maybe) in your cdn or elsewhere close to the edge.

    The error message consistently said something along the lines of 'this looks like a file format that we do not support'. Initially it looked like your csv parser was really janky. But it worked buttery-smooth today with the vpn on. And I threw files at it with hundreds of transactions in them...

    edited January 18, 2019
  • ryanwilsonperkinryanwilsonperkin Member Posts: 18 admin

    @smuemd thanks for letting me know - this feeds into a theory some of our developers are tracking down right now about some DNS issues related to our CDN. We originally had this pinned to New Zealand, but if you're in a different area it might mean we need to patch this for a couple of locations. I'll make sure that the development team working on the issue hears about it.

  • smuemdsmuemd Member Posts: 3

    @ryanwilsonperkin said:
    @smuemd thanks for letting me know - this feeds into a theory some of our developers are tracking down right now about some DNS issues related to our CDN. We originally had this pinned to New Zealand, but if you're in a different area it might mean we need to patch this for a couple of locations. I'll make sure that the development team working on the issue hears about it.

    Here is the GUI error:

    here is an corresponding error from the console (may be unrelated though)

    Again running the upload through an VPN went smooth

    My location is Berlin, Germany

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Thank you for following up with that @smuemd. We're still investigating, and will report back when we have more information to share.

  • SusanfromNZSusanfromNZ Member Posts: 7

    What's the timeframe on resolving csv upload for New Zealand?

  • icecorpicecorp Member Posts: 17

    Not really happy with the response time here.. this widespread major issue was picked up almost three months ago and still there is no fix and no ETA. Is this a high priority bug fix for you guys? We're unfortunately going to have to jump ship pretty shortly as due to this issue it's actually faster to go back to our old system. I know there are 3rd parties involved, but can we please have some solid feedback on the status of this issue and when it's expected to be resolved?

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that we're inquiring for an update from our providers, and I'll pass along their update in this thread shortly. Thanks for your patience!

  • xps13xps13 Member Posts: 2

    Gah! I was so excited to find this discussion, as I believe I've been having exactly the same problem since late January.

    What initially appears to be a problem with the CSV parser, is actually some sort of network problem. When I launch devtools I get CORS errors, relating to the domain that @smuemd highlighted.

    Sadly though, after nipping straight to and getting myself set up with a VPN, it's made no difference, I still get the same error :-(

    I tried connecting to end points in USA, UK, France, Germany, New Zealand, India... none of them worked :-(

  • xps13xps13 Member Posts: 2

    The weird thing for me is, it's consistently intermittent...

    What do I mean by that? Well, a given file will ALWAYS either fail, or succeed.

    But I can just change that file by one line, or one character in a description in some cases to cause a failure to become a success, or a success a failure. And no, I have no weird special characters in my CSV files.

    When the files work, no devtools CORS error.

    When they don't work, we have network errors.

    So bizarre. It's like the content of the file somehow changes the network call. I've looked into it with Fiddler but can't see that anything is different between a failed call and a successful call... other than that one of them fails! :(

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @xps13 Thanks again for sharing what exactly happens when you try to upload the CSV file in Wave. Not entirely sure if you've had the chance to review the ticket response I sent earlier, but I feel as though a viable alternative for you is to try using one of our newest features; Wave Connect. Please take a look at this help centre article here to see whether or not this might be beneficial to you in this particular situation;

  • LauraSLauraS Member Posts: 2

    I too am having the SAME ISSUE! My credit union bank transactions and paypal transactions were working fine until a month or so ago. I emailed customer support and they basically said there's nothing they can do, and I would have to download my statements and upload those monthly. I chose the wave program so this would be done automatically for me. Please help!

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey Laura, thanks for reaching out, I believe we were speaking on Facebook too. I am sorry to hear that you are having some issues with your connection, as I mentioned, Wave relies solely on a third party data aggregator to draw all of our bank connections. Typically what happens is that your bank may make some major updates to their website or their back end API. When this happens our third party banking aggregator loses the connection and may need to establish a new one.

    While that is happening I strongly recommend using Wave's statement upload function or Wave Connect as Jamie has mentioned above!

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