Fixed Assets

Eric_1977Eric_1977 Member Posts: 1

My accounting knowledge is very very minimal. Sit on a curling club board and doing this as volunteer work. Inherited an accounting program on Excel that has numerous errors and have so far successfully re-entered information in Wave.
I need to know how to create fixed assets, more importantly how to get values assigned to these assets. The assets are the, curling stones, building and land. Tried following some examples of creating a bill, but we never purchased these, mine you they were purchased but ages ago. Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Eric_1977. In this case, to have the correct values assigned to the fixed assets, I would recommend getting some sort of valuation (unless it is recorded already somewhere) for the assets so that you can track their value in Wave. In terms of generating bills for these items, this is still the most thorough way to account for your assets in our system, but you could back date them to match the general time in which they were acquired. Depending on how thorough you want these records to be, I would say that the year in which they were acquired should suffice, and a dummy month and day could always be inputed.

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