Transactions not downloading for one business

wsg7562wsg7562 Member Posts: 1

I have set up three businesses under my account. Two businesses share the same bank, although different accounts (naturally). For one business, it set up fine and downloaded the transactions for the selected dates perfectly. For the other, it will display the balance, but none of the transactions will download. When I go under the "transactions" tab, I just shows the the three boxes, "Connect Your Bank", "Upload a bank statement", and "Add manual transactions". When I go to the dashboard for this business, it displays the current balance fine.

My question is why will it work for one business to its account with the bank, but not for the other business with the same bank? Does having two business under one account sharing one bank (but different bank accounts) screw things up? If so, do I need to set up a whole new Wave account for each business? I was hoping that this system would work well. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


  • Robin1Robin1 Member Posts: 1

    I have this same problem. One bank account for two businesses, but it does not allow importing the same transactions into both businesses.

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @wsg7562 and @Robin1!

    This is expected behaviour for the bank connection feature, where you can only point a bank account at one business profile in Wave at a time. If you click Banking > Bank Connections > pencil icon, you'll see the option to set which business profile the transactions are importing into. We're working on improving the bank connection tool in the next couple of months, although for now I recommend uploading the relevant bank statement into the second business on your account.

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