reports from receipts expenses

ALANFALANF Member Posts: 11

Hi Im using waze receipts, which is really good take the picture process then upload to accounts.
Question is
1 how do i access the reports to send to my accountant, ie can it go in an excell sheet or can i print them out
2 can i send the report with breakdown of spending and pictures to my accountant
3 can i print out the reports with the pictures
just we have everything in one place but does not seem to be any way to access it and send to my manager or accountant


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ALANF, great questions!

    1, Yep! You'd be able to head over to Reports, and then pull up and narrow down any report you wanted by dates and in some cases account type. You can then export them as a PDF and send them over to your accountant, or print them directly. You could also give your accountant collaborator permission to view your account via Settings > User Management and sending them an invite.

    1. This part is a little trickier. Reports like General Ledger do have a detailed breakdown option, but they do not include receipt pictures. I'd either recommend attaching the images you uploaded for receipts to an email to your accountant, or giving them collaborator access (which may be the easiest for them to view your receipts)

    2. Sort of answered in question 2, but at the moment images and attachments aren't possible for reports within Wave. I'm going to submit a feature request now however! That'd be a useful centralized feature for bookkeeping and analysis.

    Having everything located in one place is easiest with collaborator access for your accountant I think. You would be able to give them view only permission, or grant them editing privileges if you wanted them to be able to move stuff around.

  • ALANFALANF Member Posts: 11

    Thank you so much for that

    How do i include receipt pictures. How do i view the pictures and also how do i attach the images i uploaded for receipts to an email for my accountant,

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ALANF, this is a little trickier (in terms of grabbing an attachment anyway). You'll want to head to Purchases > Receipts, and when you click on them you should get a window with the receipt details. You should be able to click the thumbnail for the receipt (or 'See original image') to view it in its original form. You can also right click and save this image as a file which you can attach to an email to send to your accountant.

  • ALANFALANF Member Posts: 11

    Thank you again for your help, would be great if we could just save all this as a spread sheet showing the pics in a file as well

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