Income Statement - what order are accounts in?

shawianshawian Member Posts: 4

When I create new accounts and also change the name of an existing account, the Income Statement is not showing the accounts in any sensible order.

However when I view the Chart Of Accounts, the accounts are listed alphabetically within each accounting category (e.g. within Expenses, Accounting Fees comes first, Vehicles comes last).

Is there a way to get accounts displayed in name order (e.g. Accounting Fees first, Vehicle Costs last) within its overall Income Statement section, just like when viewing the Chart Of Accounts?

This is especially problematic where I wish to use the standard chart of accounts for Not For Profit (charity) organisations, and have the accounts showing on the Income Statement in the same way they show in the Chart Of Accounts.

If there is no way to do it, is there any development request that might happen at some point?

thanks, Ian.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @shawian.

    The accounts showing up on your income should already be in alphabetical order, within each of their respective larger categories, just like they appear in your Chart of Accounts, with the exception that Wave will only show you categories that have entries.

    You might be looking at the summary version of the report, if so, there's a Details button that will expand everything.

    Can you send me a screenshot of what you are seeing to give me a better idea of what the issue is?

  • wboutriggerccwboutriggercc Member Posts: 1

    I have the same problem. The income and expense accounts on my Income Statement are listed in what seems to be a random order. Not alphabetical. Is there a way to change the order?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @wboutriggercc.

    It's not quite random, as mentioned in my last reply, but the good news is that the organization of those accounts is much clearer in the new version of Wave.

    We're working on migrating all Wavers over the new version over the next few months, so stay tuned!

  • shawianshawian Member Posts: 4

    Hi Alexia, screenshot attached showing the accounts are not in order e.g. see expenses.
    Also I don´t see a details button anywhere.
    I look forward to seeing the new version.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @shawian. My assumption earlier was that you were working with the new version of Wave.

    I'm genuinely unsure of the logic behind the order in the old version of Wave for this report. I'm going to look into it. It's very likely to be in order of creation, but I'll have to confirm that.

    I can tell you, however, that the new version does sort them alphabetically.

  • busymumsybusymumsy Member Posts: 4

    I have two different business locations, the account order on the income statement is apparently random and different for each. Does this mean I am not on the "new" version of Wave? How do I access that? I'd prefer to be able to order the accounts myself or have them alphabetical, but I'd most of all like my two locations to be the same so I can compare them side by side.

  • shawianshawian Member Posts: 4

    It is many months since I raised this. I can't see any change - the accounts are not in alphabetical order.

    How can I tell whether I'm on the old version or the new version of Wave?

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @busymumsy and @shawian,

    We're getting close to having everyone migrated to the newest version, which it doesn't appear that you've been moved to yet. However, this isn't something you can actively update to; instead, we move cohorts of accounts over carefully over time based on a variety of factors. You can look forward to being moved over either before the end of 2018, or early in 2019; we're very close to having 100% of accounts migrated, so we appreciate you two hanging in there!

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