Anyway to upload statements from my agent who manages my property?

mushroomgodmatmushroomgodmat Member Posts: 1

Hi All,

I'm a little clueless to bear with me...

I have a couple of properties that I rent out, they are managed by a 3rd party to collects the rent and fixes any problems on my behalf.
Each month I receive a "statement" from them, this tells me what outgoings there have been that month and tells me what remaining money (the rent minus their costs) will be paid into my bank account. Most of the time this figure is the same, but occasionally its different (they had to fix a tap or whatever)

Now that I have those details in a PDF form whats the best way of imputing them in to Wave? I can't seem to find "upload payment" or anything like that. Im wondering If I need to make an dummy invoice each month to myself and record the payment so at least Its seen as a input of cash.

Any ideas, perhaps Im missing something obvious, but perhaps I'm not. Could you let me know


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