
Zapier integration with Wave!

Jesper666Jesper666 Member Posts: 36

Anybody out there using Zapier integration with Wave? If so i have two questions for you!

  1. This is regarding the bug i have to deal with each day first of all! Below here is the quote from Zapier help desk.
    I encourage you to reach out to Wave directly and ask them about the Zapier Issues bug known to them as "User needs to reconnect Wave account each day, receives message "GraphQL error: Login required" #35" to see if they can let you know more about what is going on.

  2. When i setup Zapier with Wave i had to tell Zapier to what account the money paid from Stripe should go to! We are using Stripe together with Little Hotelier for our room bookings. But on the side of accommodation we have several other income accounts;

  • Accommodation
  • Diving Safari
  • Food & Beverages
  • Padi Courses
  • Rental
  • Sales and Retail
  • Scuba Diving
  • Transport
    Is it possible to setup Zapier so i can use each and everyone of these accounts instead of only one, accommodation? From Stripe and Little Hotelier this is easy. But we are also using Stripe to get payments for all these other accounts as well. I have been told you can set this up with filters and multiple zaps to get outcome, multiple actions from a trigger. Then i can categorise my income for each Zaps that is made! Is this correct? Anybody have any ideas how to set this up that can help me and show me how out there?


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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi there!
    Thanks for sharing a really interesting use-case, and also sorry to hear you have been affected by the ongoing issue that we've been seeing with Zaps not "staying connected".
    On the connection issue, we've been looking at this closely, and believe we we have identified the cause. A change was released yesterday which should mean you don't continue to experience this problem, but please let me know if that's not the case!
    On selectively mapping multiple Income accounts, you certainly can do this. It's a bit fiddly, but not hard. You will need to use a Zapier Formatter step, and more specifically you're going to use the Lookup in Table 'Utility' formatter.
    To build the formatter, you'll need to identify the source of the data in your Stripe trigger that tells you which Income Account you want to write to, and for each value in this data, you'll want to map the ID of the Wave Income Account. So, the first thing you want to do is discover the IDs of your income accounts. Here's how:
    1. Where you map the Income Category in the Zapier setup, select a Category
    2. Now click the drop-down and switch instead to 'Use a Custom Value'
    3. Copy the enormous string of letters and numbers that you see into a notepad
    4. in the Income Category field, use the drop-down arrow again and click 'Clear Current Choice'
    5. Repeat from step 1 for the next Income Category you want to use.
    6. Continue until you've noted the IDs of all the Income Categories you are interested in.

    Once you've got all the source (Stripe) data values and corresponding Wave Category IDs, you can build your Formatter lookup table. Then, in the step where you set up Wave, you'll select Use a Custom Value for Income Category, and map the formatter as the source data. When your Zap runs, Zapier will get your data from Stripe, pass the field you've chosen through the Formatter to lookup the Category, then use that Category to record the sale in Wave.

    And after you've done that, you can call yourself a true Zapier ninja!

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    Jesper666Jesper666 Member Posts: 36

    @PaulC said:
    Hi there!
    Thanks for sharing a really interesting use-case, and also sorry to hear you have been affected by the ongoing issue that we've been seeing with Zaps not "staying connected".
    On the connection issue, we've been looking at this closely, and believe we we have identified the cause. A change was released yesterday which should mean you don't continue to experience this problem, but please let me know if that's not the case!
    On selectively mapping multiple Income accounts, you certainly can do this. It's a bit fiddly, but not hard. You will need to use a Zapier Formatter step, and more specifically you're going to use the Lookup in Table 'Utility' formatter.
    To build the formatter, you'll need to identify the source of the data in your Stripe trigger that tells you which Income Account you want to write to, and for each value in this data, you'll want to map the ID of the Wave Income Account. So, the first thing you want to do is discover the IDs of your income accounts. Here's how:
    1. Where you map the Income Category in the Zapier setup, select a Category
    2. Now click the drop-down and switch instead to 'Use a Custom Value'
    3. Copy the enormous string of letters and numbers that you see into a notepad
    4. in the Income Category field, use the drop-down arrow again and click 'Clear Current Choice'
    5. Repeat from step 1 for the next Income Category you want to use.
    6. Continue until you've noted the IDs of all the Income Categories you are interested in.

    Once you've got all the source (Stripe) data values and corresponding Wave Category IDs, you can build your Formatter lookup table. Then, in the step where you set up Wave, you'll select Use a Custom Value for Income Category, and map the formatter as the source data. When your Zap runs, Zapier will get your data from Stripe, pass the field you've chosen through the Formatter to lookup the Category, then use that Category to record the sale in Wave.

    And after you've done that, you can call yourself a true Zapier ninja!

    Hello Paul!
    Thank you so much for this!
    I will start and try this our right away today. If i find some problems or any other issues i will get back to you again with this. In any case only one of my two business are using Stripe on a daily business right now. So setting one of them up would be fine for now. Then i can just copy the other one over later since both business and accounting are the same.

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    Jesper666Jesper666 Member Posts: 36

    Hello Paul!

    Ok i have done step 1 to 6 now. Please see included picture here.

    But i got stuck on setting up the Formatter Lookup Table. Could you maybe assist me one more time on how to set this up. Maybe show me one example on how to continue with this?

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    Jesper666Jesper666 Member Posts: 36

    Hello Paul!
    Tried a few things but i have no idea if i am dong the right or wrong thing here.

    Please see pictures for more info.

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭


    Looking at your data, I'm a bit puzzled - you seem to have the same Category Id for every input. I'm expecting to see different values.

    Please take another run at collecting the data, and make sure you are clearing between each step. I'd expect to see different values for each. If you continue to have a problem with this, let me know.

    When you have the data unique for each input value, the formatter table should look like this:

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    Jesper666Jesper666 Member Posts: 36

    @PaulC said:

    Looking at your data, I'm a bit puzzled - you seem to have the same Category Id for every input. I'm expecting to see different values.

    Please take another run at collecting the data, and make sure you are clearing between each step. I'd expect to see different values for each. If you continue to have a problem with this, let me know.

    When you have the data unique for each input value, the formatter table should look like this:

    Hello Paul!
    Ok i am with you and i will fix this.

    Please check this picture and tell me if this setup is correct?
    1. Trigger: New Charge
    2. Action: Utilities
    3. Action: Record Sales
    Is this correct or not? Because i get an error message saying i have to many too many steps.

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    That looks like the right sequence of steps.

    If Zapier is saying you have too many steps, that sounds like maybe you're on their free plan? The free plan allows only 2 steps: Trigger and Action. One of the ways they get you to upgrade!

    Unfortunately, there's no way to customize the flow like you are trying to do without at least a 3-step Zap.

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    Jesper666Jesper666 Member Posts: 36

    ok thank you Paul.

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    Jesper666Jesper666 Member Posts: 36

    @PaulC said:

    Looking at your data, I'm a bit puzzled - you seem to have the same Category Id for every input. I'm expecting to see different values.

    Please take another run at collecting the data, and make sure you are clearing between each step. I'd expect to see different values for each. If you continue to have a problem with this, let me know.

    When you have the data unique for each input value, the formatter table should look like this:

    Hello Paul!
    If you look at the data one more time you will see that each ID are different. Check the middle section of each data string. Beginning and end is more or less the same. So is this wrong and i should make new data strings for this?

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi there,
    No, you are completely correct.
    I did, indeed, eyeball the beginnings and ends!
    This should work as expected. Please let me know how you get on!
    Thanks, Paul

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    Jesper666Jesper666 Member Posts: 36

    @PaulC said:
    Hi there,
    No, you are completely correct.
    I did, indeed, eyeball the beginnings and ends!
    This should work as expected. Please let me know how you get on!
    Thanks, Paul

    Hello Paul!
    I will set this up soon as i can. Then i will keep you informed how this works out. Thanks alot for all your help!

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    Jesper666Jesper666 Member Posts: 36

    Ok i have setup this now the way you told me Paul! I have included two files here for you, Zapier Moalboal and Zapier Santander. Both sides of my accounting. Could you please check so this is ok one time for me? I will also ask Zapier so they can check this also one time.

    Under Action, the third step what should the Income Category be set to? Now it says accommodation! Is this correct or should there be any other value here? Or will Action, the second step in and just take this over with all the values i have included here in for you.

    Thanks for all your help mate. Hope to hear back from you soon again.

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    Jesper666Jesper666 Member Posts: 36

    This is how it look right now but this was before we added step two to the setup!

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    Jesper666Jesper666 Member Posts: 36

    @PaulC said:
    Hi there,
    No, you are completely correct.
    I did, indeed, eyeball the beginnings and ends!
    This should work as expected. Please let me know how you get on!
    Thanks, Paul

    Hello Paul!
    A quick run down on whats going on!
    You can only use one account, meaning if you add for example accommodation in Zapier as the account where the money should go, this is fine. But if you have more accounts like i have, this will not work. I would like Zapier to be able to find any of my accounts i use for an income automatically since i have 8 different income accounts.

    Unfortunately Zapier cannot make this. The info returned from Stripe to Zapier do not contain anything Zapier can use to determine where to money should go. When i asked Stripe about this, Stripe told me to go to Little Hotelier instead. Little Hotelier says they can not do anything since they are only using the Stripe info during the payment it self.

    So if you only have one income, Accommodation this would work. But if you have 8 different accounts like i have for my income you would never get this work. So for me this is a waist of time so far. If you have any suggestions on how you could get this to work i am all ears buddy!

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