Automatic payment confirmation and receipts!

deyamiraphotographydeyamiraphotography Member Posts: 4

Please add this to the queue, it is starting to become a headache. Thank you!


  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hey @deyamiraphotography, thanks for expressing your interest in this feature! I've brought it up to our Product Team but can't make any promises on this because I don't currently see any plans for it. However, I've made sure they saw your enthusiasm on the topic!

  • RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭


    I'd like to dig into this request a bit more with you. Can you explain what you are looking for with automatic payment confirmations and receipts? We currently have automatic payment receipts for automatic payments on recurring invoices. Also, whenever a payment is made by a customer online, they can view their receipt instantly.



  • deyamiraphotographydeyamiraphotography Member Posts: 4
    Almost all of my customers complain that they did not receive an emailed receipt after paying an invoice. Just a simple automatic receipt email would be nice. I do not use recurring invoices.
  • RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭

    @deyamiraphotography Are these payments online using their credit card or payments they give you that you manually add (payments via cash or check or other means)? They would not receive an email automatically and you would receive an email that you got paid to prompt you to send a receipt. This is so you can add a personalized message along with the receipt!

  • deyamiraphotographydeyamiraphotography Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for the Swift reply, maybe an option to just send the receipt without a message for the sake of automation. Most of my payments are online via credit
  • LP1LP1 Member Posts: 1

    I agree with deyamiraphotography. It seems silly that you don't already have this. Our clients should just get a receipt sent to them automatically or at least we should have the option to do so. Is this going to be implemented? Also, is there a way we can see a log of sent receipts or if we sent the client one? I currently copy myself but it would be very helpful if that could be viewed within Wave.

    Also, why does take so many clicks to view a client invoice? To get to an invoice after I log in, the first click is Sales, the second click is Invoices, then I have to click in the text box, then I type their name, then I click their name, then I have to click All Invoices, then their name again, and finally I'm at their invoice. That's 7 clicks to get to a client invoice. Am I missing something? Please advise.

    Thank you very much. I really enjoy using Wave. We've been a customer for a few years now and have recommended Wave frequently. :)


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @LP1 . First off, thanks for being so faithful to Wave, we really do our best to support you, the business owner, and we enjoy hearing that you love our product.

    To get into Receipts, when your client pays the invoice and it's marked as paid through the invoice itself, they can actually go back into the invoice and click on the 'Receipts' button which gives them access to the Receipt right away. They don't receive a confirmation that it's there unless you actually send one manually, but it exists whether you send it or not. In regards to a log of Receipts, there isn't one that exists in Wave at the moment.

    Lastly, I would love to take feedback on how you think we could improve the experience to get to your customer's invoice quicker. Feel free to lay down some feedback or suggestions for us on how you think the best way to change this would be and how you would like it displayed in Wave.

  • curiouslightcuriouslight Member Posts: 3

    Hi, i'm super surprised this isn't built in either. I've had a few clients ask about not getting a receipt right away. What if I'm unavailable when they pay? There should be an option to auto send receipt or wait for a personal message.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @curiouslight

    Not sure if you saw @AlexL 's post above that mentions the receipt feature that they can access from the paid invoice.

    Have a look at the post right above :smile:

  • SimpleCreationsSimpleCreations Member Posts: 1

    It is surprising that this doesn’t exist. I also have customers asking for it. They make a payment via credit card but would like a receipt automatically sent to them via email.

  • dnovdnov Member Posts: 3

    I'm surprised to see the first post here from 2018 and this feature is still missing. Automatic receipts is a MUST. Do you ever shop online? Have you noticed every time you make a purchase you ALWAYS (not counting poor experiences) get a payment confirmation. And clients expect the same. Sending the receipt manually every time is a joke. Expecting that the client knows where to click to get a receipt themselves is a bigger joke. Please fix that.

  • Summit22Summit22 Member Posts: 1

    yes, still need automatic payment receipts.

    Why is Wave ignoring this feature request?

  • Jon_DJon_D Member Posts: 2

    Following this topic...

    I've just tested the payment feature myself as a recipient, and yes, the 'View Receipt' button is available after payment, however, this receipt is browser-based and view only, with no option to download.

    An automatic receipt sent to their email would be best so the customer has a copy right in their inbox and can be readily available if they need access to it in the future.

    Please implement automatic receipt feature asap.

  • Mr_WyrdMr_Wyrd Member Posts: 2

    So... I have come here to comment on the ridiculousness that is Wave's sense of logic. A few months ago I almost dropped Wave because of the lack of being able to attach images/files to transactions. Then I found out they were indeed implementing that feature, literally years after people started requesting it, so I stuck it out waiting for a release that came over a month after they promissed to release it. AND THEN, I come to find out that there's no way to ensure that automated receipts for invoice transactions go out, I have to manually send an email receipt? WTF!!? This is beyond stupid, and so devastatingly easy to implement on the back end, and it turns out people have been asking for it since 2018 and it's still not done..? I mean huh?

    If support actually reads this message, I don't care what you think about customers being able to see and access their receipts, not getting an email confirmation immediately reduces trust significantly, this is really basic stuff. I may keep using Wave for it's accounting features with bank integrations, but I will not be running my business estimates and invoicing through Wave until this is fixed. In other words, no more credit card percentage for you. Even then, simply because this company seems to not really care what people think of the application missing extremely basic features, I may just leave completely. I can, and now have, purchased an invoicing application as an LTD to replace Wave. It's not quite as fully featured yet, but at least the developers understand that one of the very first things people will need is automated email receipts.

    So, instead of Wave getting a percentage of my credit card transactions in exchange for their otherwise useful product, someone else is. Also, whenever I talk about invoicing and accounting software with other business owners, which is fairly often, I will joke about how awful Wave is at implementing basic functions that their users are asking for. I've actually already had this conversation with a friend of mine who suggested I try Wave in the first place. She literally laughed out loud when I told her that Wave refuses to do automated email receipts. It's just so basic in terms of business functionality that it makes absolutely no sense that it's not an option, especially after years of people asking for it.

    I am absolutely certain that Wave has lost many users to paid services because of this simple functionality issue. I wonder what the cost benefit ratio is of having lost even one user rather than pay a tech to write a few lines of very simple code and do some testing on the back end?

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