Realign Invoice columns?

McGraw2121McGraw2121 Member Posts: 1

Is there a way to move the Description field to beside the Item (product/service) field, rather than underneath it? I find that invoices tend to expand to two pages when not really necessary. My Item field is never more than 10 numbers, so I have this HUGE space to the right of it.


  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @McGraw2121, while this is not possible right now, I will bring this up to our Product Team for consideration moving forward! Thank you for offering your feedback!

  • sdevaneysdevaney Member Posts: 2

    I second this feature request. Thanks!

  • RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭

    @McGraw2121 and @sdevaney

    Thanks for the comments above. Do you typically have long descriptions or short descriptions for your line items? And how many line items do you average per invoice where you start to see this problem arise?

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