
Is it a bug? Printing invoice from moblle app

DaluClinicDaluClinic Member Posts: 3

Printing invoice from wave is always frustrating and time consuming. Usually I have to send a copy to my email and get on my computer to download and convert the invoice to pdf manually, and print it out.
Today I tried to print it from my mobile, so I opened the copy email from my phone, click the "view invoice" button from the email, on the webpage that opened, there is no print option, so I choose "share" to my wifi printer to print it out. and when I looked at the paper, I counldn;t believe what I saw. There is invoice number, item, paid sign, amout, date etc. but there is NO recipient's name!
I just don't understand the point of an invoice without recepient name on it. I am speechless.
Is there anybody has experienced the same frustration? I was a programmer long time ago, maybe I am too old for the new technique, I really don't understand how difficulty to add a print function can be.


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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @DaluClinic I responded in another thread, but I will address some of the additional information you've included here.

    It sounds like you are utilizing a function that is not native to Wave. We don't have an official print function in the mobile apps for now, so any workarounds that are used can't be guaranteed to work. In any case, would you be able to post a screenshot here so that we can take a look at an example?

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