Expenses and Income per projects

Sandra_R18Sandra_R18 Member Posts: 2

My company provides products for clients. Products earn sales income but also incur production expenses. I've registered my products in "Products and Services" . Each product has invoices and when posting expenses, I choose in the ITEM collumn, the product which the expense is related to. Now I want to evaluate the profit of each product and calculating which product provides the best profit margin. Is there a report where I can get this information?


  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @Sandra_R18, at this time, this kind of report is not available in Wave. While this is the case, I can certainly bring this up to our Product Team as a feature request.

    For now, a workaround might be to have each product filed under a separate income account. That way, you would be able to generate an Account Transactions report for this income account.

  • Sandra_R18Sandra_R18 Member Posts: 2

    Thank you for your feedback

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