Bank Connection

JessicaJayJessicaJay Member Posts: 2

Hi I am experiencing issues connecting my bank account. This has been going on for a good while now.

Additionally, when trying to gain access to my online banking via desktop, the bank says my account is temporarily unavailable for 10 minutes due to log in attempts so close together. Banking app working fine on my phone.

Any help gratefully received :) Thanks


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @JessicaJay. I just thought I would confirm with you -- have you ever been able to connect your bank via Wave without having any login issues? From what it sounds like, your bank does not like our 3rd party data collector (Yodlee) that's trying to take the transactional data and import it into Wave, which is why the errors continue to happen. If you could please send me a DM with your business name and email address, I would be happy to look into this a bit further for you.

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