
My PayPal transactions are different after new update. Not sure how to treat these transactions.

IWTBIWTB Member Posts: 3

My PayPal is sometimes empty and when I make a purchase money is moved from my bank account to PayPal and then to the seller.
This shows in my transactions as three separate lines. Two are the transfers and one is the actual payment. Before the update the transfers would be automatically marked as transfers and I would just assign the category for the payment made. With the changes the transfers are showing as uncategorised and so I'm not sure what to do with them. There used to be an option to create a transfer from two transactions, but I can't find it since the update and I've searched the help centre and can't see anything about it here either.
Any help appreciated.


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    IWTBIWTB Member Posts: 3

    UPDATE: I have now managed to find how to create the transfers using the new system, but it seems to have created a fourth line. What am I supposed to do with the extra transaction? It looks like it has created a transaction instead of linking it with the transaction that is already there.

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    IWTBIWTB Member Posts: 3

    Problem has now been solved, but I can't delete my post.

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    hnaglerhnagler Member Posts: 1

    Hi. I am having the same issue with the paypal transfers etc. Can you let me know how you marked them/solved your issue?

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    AnnaMMAnnaMM Member Posts: 8

    @IWTB how did you solve this? There is no tech support person answer here. I have the same question.

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