Multiple addresses for the same customer or corporation.

Greg04Greg04 Member Posts: 3


I am having a problem with Wave at the moment. If I do work ( I am a HVAC contractor) and do multiple jobs for the same person/corporation at different locations, I cannot keep them separate. I can keep the "bill to" the same but ever time I change the "ship to", it changes every old receipt in the system on the cloud. So the old Ship to addresses get updated to the new ship to address.

Any way around this?


  • nathnath Member Posts: 3

    Any one know how I can upload my signature to wave? Thanks
  • Greg04Greg04 Member Posts: 3

    go to "settings"
    go to "standard memo"

    hope this helps. Greg

  • HandymanHeadleeHandymanHeadlee Member Posts: 45

    I share Greg's concerns...there have been previous discussions on this topic and I was hoping a solution had been implemented. We provide handyman services and often work with landlords/property managers on multiple properties. To avoid the problem Greg is having we have to enter each property as a separate client, which isn't ideal. It would be much better for us and our customers to be able to track all these smaller projects under one property management (i.e. corporate) client. The ability to add multiple jobs (i.e. ship to addresses) under a single customer would solve this problem. Most accounting programs can do this. Any updates on this request? Thank you!

  • Brent_OntraxBrent_Ontrax Member Posts: 15

    If the Physical Customer is the same but the Address for where the work was performed changes, then use the same bill to customer but then just put in the WORK PERFORMED AT address on an Invoice line. Create a New Product or Service with a code of WorkedAt (for example) and then a description of "Worked performed at..." with Zero Value, Tick "Sell this" and just create a new Account code as "Client Addresses" or Consulting anything as there is No value, NO Tax and Save... then select this as the 1st Invoice line, fill in the address, Zero Value and then create a 2nd line with the billing details. Hope this Helps.

    edited January 8, 2019
  • EmmanuelEmmanuel Member Posts: 6

    We are aware of the problem with old documents changing when the address changes. We are looking to address this issue.
    In the meantime, what Brent_Ontrax described is one way of dealing with the problem. Another option is to use the notes at the bottom of the invoice.

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