Importing Transactions Manually - Cant this cause duplication?

DaveBDaveB Member Posts: 16

I'm attempting to follow the instructions laid out in this Help article:
I've connected all the accounts I want to track, and downloaded all the transactions that my bank allows (all per step 1.).

When I attempted step 2, I discovered that my bank (RBC) only allows manual download with two options to specify the range:

  • All transactions since my last download
  • All transactions

The first option is not useful, in the context of the help article. The second option to download all transactions for a will result in a file that includes transactions that Wave has already imported during the initial connection setup.

Will manually importing this an "All transactions file" duplicate the transactions already in Wave? If so, what is the best way to proceed without creating a mess of my transactions in Wave? I haven't attempted the import yet, for fear of duplication potentially requiring tedious cleanup.

I'm hoping that Wave's import capability can recognize duplicate incoming transactions and discard them, but I understand how that might be wishful thinking on my part (it's not as easy a problem to solve as it sounds).

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