transactions to have a default catagory

jstumpjstump Member Posts: 1

In transactions. the categories are always wrong for me. I have to change every item to the correct category. This gets to be very tedious. why can't the category default to what the descriptions have been cataloged to in the past? example. home depot. lists it as automotive repairs. needs to be changed to job supplies.

There should be a way to sort by description, as well. I know I can bulk edit categories to change to the right one. though still time-consuming.


  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @jstump, those categories seem to be coming from the third-party service we use to import transactions into your Wave account. This currently cannot be automatically overwritten.

    However, the good news is that we are currently migrating all of our users to an updated version of Wave, where the categorizations you make are remembered and used moving forward! You can learn more about that here:

    We are actively migrating users, with over 90% of users being on the new platform now. Be on the lookout for some exciting changes soon!

    edited January 10, 2019
  • gthwaitegthwaite Member Posts: 1

    Hello! Transactions are not using default categories from the import source (I am comparing bank / cc statements to wave transactions side by side and they are not remotely similar). Almost all default categories in Wave are incorrect and I must manually recategorize them. For example, gas stations and restaurants are categorized as medical expenses in Wave. How to I reset or set default categories? Thank you!

    edited March 23, 2022
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