Chase Bank not synching

I've been unable to synch my chase business checking account for the last 5 months now and get robotic e mail replies from Wave saying they "will notify their data provider". How big of an issue is this across your user base and when will it be resolved? It's unsustainable for users. Manual uploads completely defeat the purpose of using a service like wave.
Wave has the worst customer support. I'm having the same issue. And I also use MINT and that program is synching correctly. I get the same robot reply. I would never trust Wave with any of the important services they offer due to there customer support of the free items. If they can't even help us out with CHASE bank, what else is going to fail?
@sylvial @avenue I apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced when seeking more information about these issues. I had a look and found that there were technical issues between Chase and our bank data provider. They have been working at this and it seems to be resolved -- please let us know if you see any updates to your transactions after performing a manual update to your connection.
If that does not work, please try deleting the bank connection (this will not delete or affect previously imported transactions) and then try re-adding it. If you do this, be sure to select the payment account that is connected now so that Wave doesn't create a duplicate payment account for you (please refer to my attached screenshot to see which drop-down field I am referring to). You would also have to make sure that the "Start importing transactions" field is dated after your latest transaction in Wave.
It's happening again with Chase transactions not syncing. Seems a recurring problem with Wave. This is not sustainable!
Same here. have been down for few weeks now.
It use to be that data would sync a few times a day, then it went to once, around 5:30pm EST, now it is past 10pm and it still has not updated. This is a serious problem and makes me have to consider finding an alternative platform as I have multiple companies that all have Chase accounts and I am not able to get current info with Wave...wish they would fix it ASAP!
Any admins here care to comment? This is affecting a lot of users. Is Wave fixing the Chase connection or do we have to delete the connections and reconnect? I had a few transactions with reverse sign at year end and then nothing for two weeks and no error message!!
@Erik ?
Same issue here. I keep reconnecting then it disconnects again.
I have not been able to reconnect to Chase for a week, just get a page from Chase "we will be right back" with their phone numbers. No way to log in.
I'm getting disconnected from my 30 connected Chase accounts in Wave every week. It takes me hours to reconnect! I tried contacting customer service and got some automated boneheaded message. DOES ANYONE AT WAVE WANT TO ADDRESS THIS? ARE YOU JUST WANTING US TO SWITCH PROGRAMS?
We're having trouble connecting to Chase, which is preventing Wave from importing your transactions." I have a $13k payment that has been sitting there for 10 days now and can't get a hold of anyone on wave.. I decided to start a refund so that the funds go back to customer and they can then give me a check. This will add another 10 days plus the 2 business days for the bank to process the check.. all in I'm looking at about 25 days LOST thanks to wave.. who never answers anything and simply want to communicate with customers via a robot chat!.. once money is back I am going to other provider.