
Multiple service dates in one invoice

matthewzmatthewz Member Posts: 1
Hello All.

My business involves providing recurring services to clients on a regular basis with invoices sent monthly. Is there anyway to apply different dates to the line items in a single invoice? For instance, if I provided a service (and I bill for various types of services for each service date) on Jan 3, Jan 10 and Jan 24, can I add a separate date to each day of service provision without having to create multiple invoices? I hope so otherwise Wave might not work for me.


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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @matthewz, at this time, there is no specific field where you can indicate service dates. I'll be sure to bring this up to the team as a feature suggestion though!

    In the meantime, you should be able to utilize the description field for each invoice item and indicate the date that the service was provided there!

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    sdevaneysdevaney Member Posts: 2

    I second this feature request!

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