
Seeking an Accountant

GleCreativeGleCreative Member Posts: 2

Hi We are a small business www.glenterprise.net and recently signed up for ADP payroll and would love to have WAVE as our accounting/bookeeping software, I'm seeking an accountant that is solid small business advisor as well as versed in Wave, please let me know if you are interested to discuss. Thanks, Greg

edited January 3, 2019 in Find a Wave Pro


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    KimptonKimpton Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    Hi Greg,
    I'm a Canadian accountant but business is business. I can definitely get you set up and depending on the complexity I can likely answer your questions. If I can't give you a good answer I can point you in the right direction.
    Contact me at kimptonb@telus.net

    edited January 23, 2019
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    ayamayam Member Posts: 12

    @GleCreative I would love to help you :)
    My business is priced extremely competitively and we have many clients who use (and love) wave. You can email me at avi@ayamllc.com
    looking forward

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    magicwillmagicwill Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    Hi Greg,
    I'm a Chicago based accountant of 30+ years experience, in private practice since 2011. While my practice focus is start-ups and emerging businesses, my career encompasses clients ranging from sole proprietors through Fortune 100 corporations (largest being Boeing). I've been A Wave Pro advisor since 2013, listed here as WJS Consulting.
    I see from your website that you have an office at State and Madison and a 312 area code. I assume that means your base of operations is here. While my clients are literally scattered around the globe (operating a virtual practice facilitates having clients as far removed as Australia), I've have a few located here. Should we decide to work together, on-site meetings are possible.

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    troympapatroympapa Member Posts: 21

    Hi Greg,

    I am a full time accountant looking for some side work. If your looking for someone other than a traditional CPA firm or bookkeeping and I charge less because of that shot me a message. I also have experience with ADP.

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    JJTCJJTC Member Posts: 35 ✭✭
    Hi Greg,

    My name is Emily Henderson owner of Jehovah Jireh Tax Consultant. I am currently working with an ADP rep and have lots of experience with their platform. I can assist you with cleaning up your books and getting them prepared for your accountant. If you would like to take a look at my profile you can see my experience there. I have been doing bookkeeping for 3 years now and I look forward in adding you as one of my clients. Feel free to reach out to me at info@jehovahjirehtaxconsultants.com for more information or to schedule a consultation.
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    BusinessMasterAtwoodBusinessMasterAtwood Member Posts: 5

    Hello Sir, I am a former corporate accountant. You can view my website at www.businessmasteratwood.com I may be able to help you. - John Atwood

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