Is it possible to pass any variables to invoice template?

It would be great if we could pass known variables to a customized invoice template.
For example, I have a few folks that I invoice separately for different companies. Rather than just sending with the standard subject line that comes across as something like "Invoice #10 from MY COMPANY", if I could customize that line in the invoice section to be more like "Invoice #{%invoice_number%} for {%customer_company_name%} from {%my_company_name%}...or something like that.
Then, if we can start passing field names, there's no telling how cool we could make invoices and estimates! :-)
I also would like this ability for %date% or specifically %month%
Yeah, that's exactly what I was doing with Quickbooks...%month% %year%...
This is a much-needed feature in recurring invoices!
@mgallant, @tsmith @ReneJ
Thanks for the comments on this thread. Can you share more examples of the types of variables you'd want to use and where you'd want to use them? Is it specifically on the invoice, in email communications, elsewhere?
Hey Rahim - for me I think it would be great if most every field could be inserted via some form of field chooser. I've got a background in Salesforce and like the way pretty much EVERY field can be referenced everywhere. In Quickbooks, the following fields are available for template customization:
Name: First-Last – John Doe
Name: Last-First – Doe, John
Name: First – John
Title and Name: Mr./Miss/Ms.Name-Last – Mr. John Doe
Company Name – Company name listed under My Company
Company Telephone – Telephone number listed under My Company
Company Website – Web site listed under My Company
Due Date – Due date of the transaction
Transaction Number – Assigned transaction number (Invoice/ Bill Number)
Transaction Total – Total amount of the transaction being sent
Hope that helps!!
A little more detail in regards to recurring invoices...
I invoice for website storage. It is an annual fee and is recurring. When I invoice it would be nice to indicate the term, based on the invoice date, or on a specific date as indicated in my previous post.
An invoice being sent today with %year%/May/15 - %year+1%/May/14 being in the description would show to the customer as 2019/May/15 - 2020/May/14
1000% Agree, this is holding me back each month.
Thanks for all the additional information on the thread. I will take this all and review it with the team when we take a look at the feature again. It is not something on the near term roadmap right now, however, it is an area the team has been researching recently.
I agree this is much needed functionality for recurring invoices. I have the same problems when billing for monthly services as it requires I change each item's description to show the date range. This is an ongoing hassle when charging for hosting or subscription services and prevents automation of the billing.
The same is true for consulting services where the line items show the date the service was provided.
Hey @4Amy! Thanks for your feedback on this! The extra insight into why this feature is important to you helps our team have see how this feature would be used. We appreciate you sharing this. Currently I do not have any updates to provide but hopefully this is something we are able to share in the future.
Hi @EmmaP ,
some extra insight as you requested. We have customers with a retainer that we invoice monthly in advance, therefore we would need to specify in the description the period we are invoicing for.
In products such as Harvest this is possible and it is done in the below manner for the Item Description we would place:
Support Services (%invoice_issue_month_name% %invoice_issue_year%)
So the Invoice generated on the 1st of April 2020 would read:
Support Services (April 2020)
Hey @cran2k, thanks for the context and insight there! Definitely appreciate, and we'll make sure to consider this for future iterations of the invoicing build.
Just adding my vote here, this would be a great feature.
Upvote for this feature , It will be good to have perios of billing in this format .
Maybe something like
1). %currentyear%
2) %currentquarter%
3) %currentmonth%
These can be used inside the invoice . Will it be possible to do a math operation on top of the variable for example , we raise invoice for the prevous month in the current month
So idealy, we will looking to raise an invoice as "Service for the month of August" in September invoice. So something like {%currentmonth%-1} will be best fit or a set of variable like %previousmonth% or %nextmonth% .
This is something that is in Freshbooks that I wish it would be in Wave. I can use something like ::year:: to insert the year or date in the description to indicate when their service expires so that I don't have to hand-edit every recurring invoice BEFORE it is sent.
+1 date variables as described above would be very useful. Any updates on this feature?
Hey @willdobson , no updates to this feature at the moment.
I'm also voting to add this feature.
I send monthly and annual recurring invoices. Currently, they have a subject line e.g. "Invoice #2323 from Ezific" - it'd be a benefit to my customers' sanity if it could say e.g. "Website Hosting invoice for 2022". Same idea in the email personalization and also on the invoice body itself. Presently I have to use long phrases e.g. "hosting for the month in the invoice date"
I would love the ability to add date variables to the invoice number. Like many have stated, variables such as Day, Month, Year, Current Quarter, Customer Name, etc, would be beneficial in reducing some of the manual work when creating invoices.