Notified as upgrading, but actually didn't!

AfthabJunejoAfthabJunejo Member Posts: 3

Nearly one month before, I got a notification while logging in to my Waveapps account as "Hang tight. We're upgrading your account to the new accounting experience. Please check back in few minutes".

However, it seems that my account couldn't get update so far.
It would be great if I could know anyone here had similar experience? Or Admin could help me on this? I'm totally impressed with the new features built in, which I experienced when accessing my client's account.
Thank you in advance for your valuable time and resolution.
Thanks and regards,
Afthab Junejo
Freelancer, Financial Reporting and Consulting


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @AfthabJunejo It appears that the update failed going through our migration process. With that being said, we will be rolling out a new set of users to be migrated very soon and hopefully you're in the next batch. This is a high priority for us right now (getting all of our users migrated over) and hope to have you on the latest software soon!

  • AfthabJunejoAfthabJunejo Member Posts: 3

    Hi @JamieD,
    Thank you for the above information. Will wait for the update soon.
    Afthab Junejo
    Freelancer, Financial Reporting and Consulting

  • AfthabJunejoAfthabJunejo Member Posts: 3

    Greetings @JamieD !

    Hope you're doing well.

    Just checking if you've any further update on the above subject? I'm still waiting to get my account updated.

    Thank you,

    Afthab Junejo
    Freelancer, Financial Reporting and Consulting

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @AfthabJunejo no updates as of now I'm afraid, although I can assure you we're in the final stages of getting everyone moved over to the new version. Keep an eye on your inbox and in-app during the next couple months for further notifications about this! Thanks for hanging in there while we get this done :smile:

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