wrong currency on a bank with 2 accounts, one in USD and one in EUROS...

airplanenoiseairplanenoise Member Posts: 2

hi -

loving the product so far and really hopeful for it.

did notice this though : i have 2 accounts in the same bank, one is a EUROS account, and the other is a USD account (we deal with lots of clients from these two locales, and we did this before TransferWise came around :wink: ... ) - it's showing up both accounts, which I was very impressed by, but it's set them both to Euros, which leads to wrong maths everywhere...

thanks for any help!


  • darren_sbmdarren_sbm Member Posts: 4

    I think bank connections is still in beta? After years of use, Wave bank integration switched currencies on one account after a new bank integrator, so now I have to reimport and go through all transactions

    edited March 15, 2020
  • QaisEQaisE Member Posts: 72 admin

    Hey @airplanenoise, when you connected your accounts to through the Connected Accounts page, were you able to select the corresponding Chart of Accounts in Wave? You might be able to create a new chart of account with the appropriate currency, and when reestablishing your connection in Wave, select the correct account with the correct currency so transactions begin to import correctly. The account should appear when you connect your bank in the Banking > Connected Accounts page.

    @darren_sbm Hey there! Sorry to hear that you experienced the issue after connecting your account via our new bank data provider. As with the case above, it may help to create a new account with the proper currency, delete and reconnect your bank, and then make sure your bank transactions import to the new Chart of Account with the correct currency. To create a new account, simply head to Accounting > Chart of Accounts > Assets > Cash and Bank > select add a new account. Once you have created the account, it should appear as an option to import to when you reconnect your bank.

    I hope this information helps!

  • darren_sbmdarren_sbm Member Posts: 4

    @QaisE said:

    ...Once you have created the account, it should appear as an option to import to when you reconnect your bank.

    I hope this information helps!

    This information does not help. I deleted the account, created a new account, created a new bank connection, and Wave automatically creates the accounts but one of them is in the wrong currency and the box is greyed out to change the currency.

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