
Incorrect date on Paypal Transactions when imported to Wave

AnnaMMAnnaMM Member Posts: 8

I've used the Wave bank integration to automatically import my Paypal transactions, however a lot of the transactions are importing with the wrong date (the day before the actual date of sale).

I have checked in my Paypal account and the dates are correct there. The change has occured when Wave imports the transaction. I need to have all the dates correct as it impacts on my record of event sales. Any help would be great. I cant bulk edit the date and its taking me ages to fix the problem!


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @AnnaMM. One of our goals in the 2019 year is to improve our integrations functionality (this includes PayPal and our Bank Connections tab) -- with that being said, if we are importing the incorrect data into Wave, it might be best if you delete the transactions that were imported to avoid the headache of recategorizing each date on each transaction, and then reimport bank statements from PayPal so that the data is correct.

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