Wells Fargo import never completes

MondoMumboMondoMumbo Member Posts: 3

Setting up Wave starting Jan 1, 2019. Tried to connect to my two business WF accounts. I have had rotating arrow icons and this message "Your transactions are being imported from your bank account. Please check back in a few minutes." displayed at the top of the page for about five hours now. Can I close the window? Is it complete?


  • MondoMumboMondoMumbo Member Posts: 3

    Do these "technical support" posts get answered? Asking for a friend.

  • zuzazuza Member Posts: 31 admin

    Hello @MondoMumbo. Our apologies for the delay in getting back to you. We are experiencing a high number of posts this time of year. Terrible excuse, I know, but we're here to help now and I'll make sure to get you some answers.

    According to our third party data provider, Wells Fargo is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It is possible that Wells Fargo has made some changes to their online site recently, and our data provider requires some time to adjust and reestablish the connection. They have posted an ETA of Jan/21/2019. Please try connecting again early next week and let me know how it goes. I will also be monitoring on my end of new ETAs.

    As for the banner, going away from this page won't impact whether transactions import or not. All of that happens on the back end. However, because of the issue with Wells Fargo, it may continue to be displayed because of the transactions never actually importing.

    @ryanwaggoner I have also responded to you directly, with similar messaging on your previous post here: https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/comment/11372#Comment_11372

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