I can not delete a bill and balance sheet not updating

DattonyDattony Member Posts: 7

I am trying to delete a bill and I get the message "Error saving bill from (company name)." How do I delete this bill? Also, I am still having an issue with the balance sheet not showing an accurate total in the "to be paid out" section. Even if I click "update report" nothing happens. The only way for me to see an accurate total is to go to Purchases and then Bills and manually total everything.

Any help is appreciated.

edited January 15, 2019 in Accounting Technical Support


  • ryanwilsonperkinryanwilsonperkin Member Posts: 18 admin

    Hi @Dattony, sorry to hear you're having that trouble. Is it one particular bill that you're having trouble with, or are you unable to delete any bills? I wonder if the issue with the bill might be preventing the report from updating.

  • DattonyDattony Member Posts: 7

    So far it is with one bill. It has made me afraid of making any edits to Wave.

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